The root of your problem is in your soul book

The root of your problem is in your soul book

Everyone and everything on this planet has a soul book. That soul book records every single thing that your soul has experienced. If you bought coffee for one minute of your day, it's in your soul book. The Akasha is a vast library where all soul books are stored. I am fortunate to be able to access the Akasha, pull the book and not only read it back to you but completely alter the perception of past events that yes, are manifesting in your life NOW

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8 ways to invest in yourself when you’re on a budget

8 ways to invest in yourself when you’re on a budget

In 2013, I was suffering from low budget syndrome. I wanted to eat caviar, but my budget allowed for hot dogs. As someone that vehemently believes in self-care and self-improvement, I felt the budget constriction grow tighter and tighter when it became clear that I could no longer justify wants and had to make sure my actual needs were met.

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How I stopped cock blocking the Universe + made $3k in one week

How I stopped cock blocking the Universe + made $3k in one week

In early July, I began a journey that would shift my entire life in 12 sessions. During meditation one day, I received guidance to work with the Akasha to learn to heal my own soul book and train others to do the same. In case you aren't familiar, the Akasha is the place where every thought, action, situation, belief (you name it) that has ever happened is recorded for all eternity.

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