A Full Moon Eclipse Prompt

A Full Moon Eclipse Prompt

Something that helped me to process this persistent feeling of “I don’t know what I want” is a series of journaling prompts that came to me in meditation. Go through the prompts one question at a time without reading the entire post in advance. Don’t skip ahead because your mind may want to contrive an answer in advance.

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What are Soul Tribes?

Creator, also known as Universe, God, Source and various other names across many dogmas throughout the world, is a force of creative energy that is always in a state of expansion.

There was a point in time when Creator wanted consciousness to experience itself. In other words, Creator wanted to experience its own consciousness.

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Atlantean SURVIVOR Archetype

Atlantean SURVIVOR Archetype

Last week, I wrote about one of the two core wounds that you’ll resonate with if you’re from Atlantis. I wanted to expand on this topic because it’s important to share that this type of core wound is far-reaching and likely affecting multiple areas of your life. It’s not isolated, it’s part of your identity and if not addressed, it will leave you feeling like you’re running through an exit-less hamster wheel.

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Attracting clients that can't afford you? (here's why)

Remember when the lightbulb went off and you realized your ZONE OF GENIUS. You saw someone in need of help and you knew exactly what you needed to do, so you reached out and helped them without expecting anything in return. And they loved it, their eyes lit up and they were so grateful for your help. And thought to yourself, "Hey, I should teach others about this. I'm really good at this!"

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Are you being hard on yourself?

Are you being hard on yourself?

Angels, I wanted to reach out today and let you know that it's OK if you're being hard on yourself. We all do it from time to time. It isn't about judging ourselves for our past 'mistakes', it's about learning what we can from each experience and resolving to have a different experience next time.

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Santorini, Atlantis & my promise to you

Santorini, Atlantis & my promise to you

About a year ago, Archangel Michael mentioned in passing that I'd be visiting Santorini and that it had to do with Atlantis. At the time, the thought of doing anything with Atlantis triggered my emotions in a really nasty way. The trauma, survivors guilt and complete devastation of my emotions has been almost too much to bear.

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