What Are The Akashic Records - How to Access Them

What are the akashic records featured image infrographic

What are the Akashic Records - What is the origin of the Akashic Records?

Akasha (ākāśa आकाश) is a Sanskrit word for "aether" or "atmosphere".

 The Akashic Records are the Universe’s library. There is only one akashic records library and it is larger than anything that could ever be built on Earth. Since the Akashic Records library is a consciousness, it is constantly growing and expanding as humanity has new experiences. Every experience of every single being with a soul is being recorded at every moment, so the Akashic Records continue to grow.

 On Earth, we have three levels of consciousness available to us. The first is 3-dimensional (3D), the second is 4-dimensional (4D) and the third is 5-dimensional (5D). The Akashic Records exist on the Astral plane, which is a level of existence in the 4-dimensional (4D) energetic space and it is completely free of time. It is one level above Earth, which is 3-dimensional (3D).

 History of the Akashic Records - Who made the Akashic Records?

The origin of the akashic records are not limited to the time space continuum that we know here on Earth. They track experiences from Souls wherever and whenever they exist. There is no past, present or future in the Akashic Records.

 When it comes to healing, the past, including past lives, does not affect the present or the future. It is simply our belief that we are in lack, missing an opportunity, off track, stuck or limited in some way that will wreak havoc in the present moment experience. 

Those beliefs may have been carried over from the past or past lifetimes but they needn’t affect your life right now. When beliefs like this exist, it means you believe that you are separate from your creator. It’s impossible to be disconnected from your creator because you were created in its likeness, which means that you are one with the creator.

Creator created the Akashic Records to gain an understanding of what we’re experiencing on our journey so it could learn from us and help us realize ourselves as powerful co-creators.

What is the purpose of the Akashic Records?

Before clearing energy, it’s important to understand how the Akashic Records are structured. While there are hundreds of thousands of rooms, hallways and levels and the records are in a constant state of expansion, none of this matters for the purpose of clearing energy.

The most important thing you can do is access the information and energy that needs clearing in the most direct and efficient way possible, for your own healing, for your clients healing and for the collective.

The Akashic Records have four main levels for accessing information and energy in the most most helpful and direct way, without needing to search through every level of the Akashic Records, which could take you lifetimes to do.


Level C

Level C is the lowest level of the Akashic Records, and it is responsible for your belief systems. This is where you can clear your limiting beliefs, patterns and ways of thinking that are impacting you, even if you’re not consciously aware of them. This level governs the root and sacral chakras.

 Level C is responsible for the mind, the subconscious and the shadow.

 This is where lack and abundance, scarcity, safety, security and physical world concerns begin. This is where fear has the greatest power because it affects your physical world concerns and things that you need to survive on Earth.

 For example, if you lose your job unexpectedly, it could bring up fears that you won’t have enough money to survive if you don’t get another job immediately. This one situation could trigger scarcity, lack, safety and security all at once.

 Clearing beliefs at Level C is important because these are surface level triggers. Instead of responding consciously, these beliefs trigger a reaction out of you. It may feel like you don’t have control over your reaction and you may even call it being “passionate” about a topic or situation. Passion will never harm you or another person with words, acts or deeds, so be clear on what is passion and what is a trigger. By clearing these surface level beliefs, you can free yourself from the emotions that govern your day to day activities and interactions.

Level B

Level B is the level of the Akashic Records responsible for Healing. In Level B, you are beginning to understand your role in the story of your life and you are beginning to view your life with detachment as an observer, regardless of where you are in your journey.

Level B affects the solar plexus and heart chakras and is about physical body healing through energy work.

Clearing energy at Level B is where the deep healing begins. At this level, you will begin to understand the root cause of your beliefs, energetic limitations, fears and traumas to gain an understanding of where it began and how it brought you to where you are today. Whether you’re being held back from a past lifetime or something in your current life, it has no bearing on your experience right now. You believe that it does and that makes it real to you.

Because you believe it, it makes it true to you. This does not mean it’s true in the Universe and this distinction is critically important. This is your power coming into question. It’s who you believe you are versus who you are in truth. If these are in conflict, you’ll experience lack and limitation.

Clearing beliefs at Level B is important because this is where you begin understanding your own story. Your beliefs have made you who you are today and as these begin to change and you open up to the Universal truth, this is where you will experience the most change.

Level A

 Level A is the highest level of the Akashic Records and responsible for Universal Law. In Level A, you understand that your experience of life is for your benefit and you are willing to understand yourself more deeply than you ever have before. This requires a surrender of blaming others, neediness or indulging in behavior that gives away your power to others and victimizes you in the process. You realize that you are the answers you’ve been seeking and there is no I, only WE. By making different choices, you change the energy and experience you’re having.

 Level A affects the Throat, Third eye and Crown chakras and it is about recognizing and changing behaviors.

 Clearing energy in Level A happens with awareness. You won’t be searching for energy or triggers to clear. At this point, you’ve gained an understanding of who you are and what you believe based on your past experiences. With that awareness, you’re able to proactively work with the Akashic Records to make tangible changes in your life. This intention will require your willingness to be more vulnerable than before. It will ask you to expand your capacity to love and be loved even more and even in the face of adversity and pain.

 The healing continues but more deeply than you imagined as the Universe brings you to a place of deeper understanding with yourself through a set of experiences designed to shake the foundation of your paradigm. In this process, you will get to know yourself more deeply than you ever thought was possible. You will learn to depend on yourself, love yourself, trust yourself and allow yourself to receive on every level.

 STEP 1 – Identifying Energy

 We work with the akashic records to get to the root cause of an issue. We identify root causes through the Heart Chakra in Level B and there are a few reasons for this:

 All energy, whether positively or negatively charged, is affecting your physical body. In other words, if you have a belief that you never get sick, your body believes that and you never experience sickness.

 If, however, you have a belief that you always catch a cold in the winter, you probably always catch a cold in the winter.

 Your body is responding to your beliefs.

 By identifying and clearing the beliefs that are stuck in your physical body first, we are able to free the body, which frees the mind, which frees the heart to embrace more love.

 First, we begin with the heart chakra, which is the Spiritual center of the body. This is the chakra that you use to create and intend your creations into existence. Using the heart chakra to identify root causes will clear energy on all three levels simultaneously, saving both time and energy.

 Next, we check in with the solar plexus chakra, which is the center of your personal power. This is the chakra that aligns you with personal integrity, passions, power and purpose. It works together with the heart chakra because once the root cause is cleared, the new conditions are accepted by the Solar Plexus chakra for immediate use by you and your energy.

Level - Creativity

Existing at the very top of the Akashic Records is the creativity level of existence. This is where you are aligned with divine will for you and your life. Your soul, heart and mind are all on the same page when you’ve gained access to this level of the akashic records. You have surrendered to the idea that you are always on track, and are always listening to yourself in the present moment to navigate your journey.

At this level of the Akashic Records, you’ve transcended the need to “seek” and live in the present moment, creating a stable foundation for yourself to feel balanced, whole and aligned. You likely have rituals in place that create space for you to communicate with the divine, you take care of your physical body, your mind, your emotions and you completely honor your truth. Authenticity is critical to you at this stage.

This is the definition of freedom. You’re no longer restricted or bound by the limitations of your own perception, beliefs, fears and karma or trauma. You understand that you have free will choice and you act decisively from a balanced perspective that trusts both your intuition and your logic to navigate this life.

Harmony is the name of the game with the creativity level. You are co-creating with the divine to restore balance and harmony to your life by making authentic choices that are based on the truth of who you are, not who you believed yourself to be for the bulk of your life.

Do the akashic records exist? Are they real?

I suppose this depends on your beliefs and your ability to access them with your intuition. If you have beliefs telling you, “Seeing is believing,” but you believe that you have to see them with your physical eyes, you will struggle with the akashic records.

If you’re someone who is more open and willing to explore, the akashic records will work with you to access them. They want to help people, but if you’re walking in as a skeptic and you don’t believe they exist or can help you, your own beliefs will keep you from seeing them.

How to access the akashic records and understand them ?

Accessing the Akashic Records requires a higher vibration where your intentions are clear and pure, with an intention to use the akashic records to help yourself or others. You are tapping into a level of consciousness composed completely of light, so your imagination will create images to enable it to interpret and translate the energy that you are receiving with your spiritual senses into something that you can perceive with your human senses and comprehend with your mind.

Being connected to your spiritual senses, also known as your clairs, will enable you to easily connect with the Akashic Records. The clairs work together to receive intuitive information and they send you signs in the form of symbols, thoughts, numbers or other synchronicities which you need to learn how to interpret through your body and with your mind.

Claircognizance (Clear Knowing) – Claircognizance is knowing information without any external influence or information provided. It’s an internal knowing, “I don’t know how I know, I just know”. This is a crown chakra energy that people often describe as a “divine download.” Information suddenly becomes available in the form of a lightbulb moment or breakthrough that increases your level of awareness. 

Clairsentience (Clear Sensation / Feeling) – Clairsentience is perception of other people’s energy or ‘feelings’ within your own body. This could be a feeling concentrated in the heart chakra or solar plexus chakra (gut). These feelings could also be your own and with clairsentience, it’s important to learn to discern between your own energy and the energy of other people.

Clairaudience (Clear Audio / Hearing) – Utilizing clairaudience is interpreting sounds or extrasensory noises from the spiritual realm. Clairaudient hearing may arrive through the mind, as a thought with a voice and tone different from your mind’s voice. You may also hear messages through your physical ears, as you would if you had a regular conversation with someone.

Clairtangency (clear touching) – Clairtangency is perceiving information through the hands by touching an object. Information received was not known to the clairtangent prior to handling the object. You may receive messages in the form of thoughts, flashes of images or symbols or just a feeling.

Clairvoyance (Clear Seeing / Vision) – Utilizing the clairvoyant sense is the ability to see through the third eye, also known as the “mind’s eye” or “inner vision or sight” or see through the veil with the physical eyes. Clairvoyant messages vary greatly from person to person. Some will clearly see images or a scene, while others will see colors that come with a certain internal knowing. Sight can be a literal sight, with your eyes or third eye sight, seeing it internally as a flash of image or light.

Clairgustance (clear tasting) – Clairgustance is perceiving the taste of a substance without putting anything in your mouth. An example of this is trying a food that triggers a memory from childhood in a deja vu like experience. It turns to clairgustance when you taste something that you know for a fact you haven’t experienced before in this life. A past life perhaps

Clairscent (Clear smelling) – Clairscent is the perception of odor that isn’t present in the physical space at the time. Smelling cigar smoke that makes you think of your grandpa who smoked and smelled exactly like that is a good example of this. It’s often associated with people who have crossed over.

Akashic Records Warnings

The Akashic Records are a consciousness dedicated to the development and journey of each individual soul. They are here to assist you by providing clarity and healing and they do so with great care, love and respect for you as an individual.

The Akashic Records determine who enters and who is denied access. In my experience, as long as your overall intention for accessing the records is of a pure and loving intent, whether you are accessing them for your own personal reasons or to assist another, you will have no trouble accessing them.

If, however, you choose to access them to shift another person's journey without their explicit permission, for instance, the records will escort you out and you may be denied access in the future.

Your vibration, and your beliefs can also impact your ability to access the Akashic Records. Raising your vibration is choosing love as much as possible, healing yourself to clear any limiting beliefs, fear and energy standing between you and your creator. It’s the dissolving of this illusion that makes it possible for you to experience the akashic records.

Always keep your energy high, your intentions kind and loving and your heart open. You may not always receive the answer you were hoping for, but the information will always be the most kind and loving for all parties involved.

Why access the Akashic Records?

When your creator created your Soul, you were also provided a soul book. This sacred book is referred to as The Book of Life, in the Bible and numerous other texts. It records every single experience of your soul's journey and it is stored in the Akashic Records, with every other soul book.

Everything has a soul book because everything has a soul. People, animals, plants, and any object you can see with your physical eyes and feel with your senses has a soul, including the sea, the sun, moon, wind, dirt and sand.

As a soul, your entire journey has been tracked from the smallest experience to the largest. What you may consider insignificant has a place in your soul book. For this reason, there is great power in accessing your akashic records. You are able to use them to gain wisdom from a higher soul-level perspective. This perspective lets you peer through the window of your soul to understand what has led you to where you are today.

While some people will walk through life feeling like they’ve been dealt a bad hand, you are able to access minute details that led you to the path you’re currently on.

Past lifetimes can be viewed in your akashic records and it’s important to view them with complete detachment. Although viewing past lifetimes is interesting, doing so only serves ONE main purpose. They help you understand why you believe what you believe, right now and that enables you to choose differently.

Although viewing future events and timelines in the Akashic Records is possible, it prevents you from being in the present moment. If you want to use the akashic records to view potential outcomes, that is possible, but keep this in mind…

The Akashic Records can show you the paths available to you, and it may or may not alter the choices you make. This can work in your favor or not, but either way it will not prevent you from reaching your final destination. Instead, ask better questions of the akashic records and they will help you to navigate any choice that crosses your path at any point in time.

You will find that there are questions you simply do not want to ask the Akashic Records and this is a critical moment when you are trusting yourself to make the right decision. And you will, without a doubt.

As you are bound by the Universal Law of Free Will, so are your family members, friends, business partners, significant others and any other human being, animal or be-ing that you encounter during the course of your life. At any point, they may exercise their free will to alter the course of their life and this may have an impact on your life in some way. Every life contains lessons that lead to soul growth. While your life may seem difficult to you, another person may view it and wish they could walk a day in your shoes. Perception defines the experience.

As with past lifetimes, it is critical to view future events and lifetimes with detachment and as an observer. If you remain detached to anything that you see and remain open to the Universe surprising you with the perfect opportunities, you’ll be in the flow.

How accessing your Akashic records can heal past trauma

Ultimately, we want to use the akashic records to end unhealthy toxic cycles of behavior, including limiting belief systems. You can heal a great deal of your problems simply by accessing your akashic records and working with them to heal and tie up any loose ends that are standing between you and your highest, best self.

Although we call them “past lives,” the trauma from them lives on in the current lifetime. Earth has time, but the Universe does not. The reason we are able to access past lives in the akashic records in the first place is because the past life is still existing and playing out somewhere else. So, if you access the akashic records and see a past lifetime that needs healing, it’s because your energy is still plugged into that lifetime and it is still negatively impacting you in some way.

When there is trauma from a past lifetime, that trauma caused you to believe something that you now consider to be true. It may or may not be true, but it certainly created a pattern of behavior that needs to be unraveled and resolved from where it began in your past life. This is called a root cause. 

By identifying the root cause of an issue you’re experiencing in your life in the akashic records, we effectively neutralize the energy by focusing your energy and attention on the present moment. In other words, we heal the past life by learning the lesson you learned and making peace with it. Forgiving yourself and others always clears and neutralizes energy.

What can you ask the Akashic Records? How to ask questions correctly in the Akashic Records. 

Asking questions correctly in the Akashic Records takes some practice. They are aware that you are simply an extension of your Creator, so you must ask fully empowered questions to receive empowering answers. The questions and answers can change your life if you don’t limit yourself when asking for information.

Avoid phrases that request permission or express uncertainty.

 Phrases that begin with Should I, Can I and Will I will get you responses like, “If you want to”. The akashic records have an amazing sense of humor and they will use it to remind you that you’re responsible for your choices and destiny.

Example questions:

Avoid this: “What type of job should I get?”

Try this: “Is it in alignment for me to quit my job and start my own business?”

Avoid this: “What should I do to bring in more clients?”

Try this: “What action can I take today to increase my revenue?”

Avoid this: “What do I need to do to lose weight?”

Try this: “What steps can I take to improve my health?” or “What steps can I take to release excess body fat?” 

Avoid this: “Can I make more money?”

Try this: “Money is tight, what’s the best way for me to resolve this?” 

Other than the guidelines mentioned above, you’re free to ask any question at all of the Akashic Records. There are no questions off limits.

Important Note:

The Akashic Records are responsible for granting you entry. If for any reason, you are not granted entry, ask your guide why and be sure to honor the boundaries they have set. 

I have seen people denied entry for various reasons including low energy, exhaustion and unclear intentions. If you try to access the records when you are angry for instance, it is highly likely that you will be denied entry. Your energy must be grounded and centered before you access them. This is for your own protection and for those you may be working with.

What happens when you open the Akashic Records?

When you open the akashic records, you gain access to a wealth of information about your soul, and your journey as a soul. This includes past life life experiences, lessons learned, trauma you’ve experienced and any information that set you on the course to who you are today.

Many people access the akashic records for information about their life purpose. Please know that your life purpose is who you become on the journey of life, not a goal you achieve. 

We could say that our life purpose as a collective is to achieve enlightenment. For us as individuals, it’s really about learning how to have fun, enjoy ourselves and heal our patterns along the way. It’s not something that can be rushed because your journey is your own and you’ll get there when you get there. Just remember to enjoy the process and learn to trust more in yourself. Building trust will help you access possibilities that most people will dream of but never achieve.

There is really something special about using your intuition to co-create a new story for yourself in this lifetime by working with the Universe and God to make it happen. This is the highest level of manifestation that exists and it’s based on unconditional love, understanding and truth.

How to know your akashic records

The Akashic Records are available to anyone, any time day or night. There are several popular methods to access your akashic records, including a prayer technique to open the doors to the akashic records. 

If you’d like to learn more about clearing your own akashic records, there are courses available that teach you how to access them. Learning how to clear your own akashic records with a course is helpful if you want to learn the details of the akashic records, or if you want to help others with their healing. A certification and learning how to heal them properly is helpful for healers wanting to help others.

I teach a program called the Akashic Records Intensive, where I teach you how to heal your akashic records and if you join level II, I certify you to work with others. 

Click here to learn more and be added to the waitlist when I reopen enrollment.

what are the akashic records, how to access them: Infographic

If you’re like me and you’d rather skip the line, you can work with me to completely heal your akashic records on every single level. While it took me eight years to heal my own akashic records, you’ll benefit from my expertise and be out in much less time.

In this 12-session small group coaching program, I clear your akashic records on every level within 30 days.

Check out the course outline here. 

I only accept 4 students per month into this intimate, yet intensive program. Details, reviews and contact information can be found here.


Comment down below and let me know about your journey with the akashic records. I can’t wait to hear what you’ve experienced!