Fall Equinox - The Autumnal Equinox Blog


The fall equinox is when the Sun and the Moon meet to kiss before drifting apart into a celestial dance of reconnection that spans another six months.

When papa sun makes his trek above the equator, meeting it exactly, the day and night are said to be equal length, although this really depends on where you are in the world.

This marks the beginning of the autumnal equinox in the northern hemisphere, also known as the first day of fall. It marks the beginning of spring in the southern hemisphere.


Fall Equinox Meaning

From here on out, the days begin to get shorter and the nights longer.

The full moon closest to the fall equinox is called the “Harvest Moon.” This term refers to the full moon rising close to sunset several nights in a row, which makes it possible for farmers to finish their harvesting before the temperatures dip.

Fall Equinox Spiritual Meaning

We all feel the shift in energy during the equinox.

The harvest metaphor rings true for us as human beings as well. 

We will feel the need to slow down and integrate the lessons that arrived before this celestial celebration takes place in the sky. At this point, most of your processing has probably taken place. The equinox is a good time to integrate what you’ve learned from every good or not-so-good experience you’ve had this year. It’s an opportunity to consolidate your treasures and leave the rest before harvest time. This is necessary to ensure you’re able to receive what God and the Universe is trying to bring to you.

Here are a few journaling prompts you can use to process your lessons from this year:

  1. Draw a line down the middle of a sheet of paper. On the left side, write what experiences, good or bad, you’ve had this year. On the equal line on the right, jot down what you learned from the experience.

  2. When you’ve completed number one, create a lesson list with everything you are taking away from the experiences. How can you ‘harvest’ what good came of it and apply it to your life in practical ways? 

Which cycles in my life need to be closed out so I can reap my harvest? Try not to overthink this one.We always know which cycles need to end, and overthinking is a sign that we’re looking for reasons that prove it untrue.


Fall Equinox Rituals

Yin Yang Ritual

Human beings are naturally attuned to the Earth, so when the Earth changes seasons, so do we. Practice finding balance between your levels of input and output. While the days begin to shorten, our energy levels may begin to wane in response. If you can align your winding down and sleep cycles to dawn and dusk, you’ll make the most of your energy while you’re awake. 

Here are a few ideas:

  • Leave your curtains or blinds open or cracked to let your body sense when the sun is rising so you can wake up naturally. If it isn’t possible to wake this late for work or other obligations, practice this during a day off or weekends.

  • Instead of turning on all the lights after dusk, light some candles and let your body adjust to less light. You’ll find that when you practice this for a few days, your eyes quickly adjust to less light. 

  • Turn off all electronics at least an hour before bed and instead do some reading by candlelight or a book light. Better yet, try some meditation or freestyle yoga.

Harvest Ritual

Take your journal and brainstorm some ideas to take what you’ve learned this year to help others? Taking particularly challenging circumstances and experiences, learning from them and identifying what gifts you have that helped you overcome are gifts that can be shared with others.

Journal Prompt: What gifts, skills or abilities helped me to navigate challenging experiences this year and how can I help others with them?

Remember, we always reap what we sow, so use what you have to help others and you’ll always reap the benefits of those efforts.

Gratitude List

A gratitude list is a profoundly powerful tool that makes it easy to tap into your inner abundance and prosperity. A full heart translates into an abundance of opportunities, possibilities and insight that can lead you further into your own heart’s desires.

Don’t underestimate the power of gratitude and the importance of being grateful for what you have, while knowing that it’s possible to create even more for yourself and others. If you have any trouble thinking of something to be grateful for, you can start with things you can see like the sun, nature, or a smile from a stranger. 

Dark times can make it more difficult to see where the light exists, but it’s in these moments that it’s even more important to look for the light. If you go out of your way to look for it, even in the midst of darkness, you will always find it.

Clean, Clear & Declutter

The equinox is a wonderful time to restore balance in your life through your environment. Focus on areas where you spend most of your time, like your home, office and car. Look at ways to enhance your environment by releasing material items you no longer need and giving to others through donation. Not only do you create space, but you help someone else in the process.

We all know spring cleaning, but fall cleaning is just as effective. It makes way for the new season to enter unencumbered by the energy of summer when we had more energy to do more and spent more time inside. This is a great time to tend to the inner aspects of your home and environment in preparation for a hibernation energy.

Paperwork can carry a heavy energy that makes it difficult to shift into prosperity, so get your paperwork organized, filed and put away. Anything you’ve been neglecting to take care of, like taxes, would do well to resolve under the equinox energy.

Enhance your Space

There is no better way to say, “Hello Fall!” than to create a warm inviting environment inside your home. Inexpensive fall decor can be picked up at your local home goods store, dollar store or Michael’s art supply store (for those of us in the United States). Any local craft or grocery store has items like candles, faux leaves, pine cones and pumpkins to enhance your space.

Fall scents add to the ambiance and can be used as essential oils, or candles:

Pumpkin spice

Learn how to work with the energy of the Equinox

Check out my video on how to work with the energy of the fall equinox all year!

Leave a comment down below and let me know which ritual you tried and how it went for you. I’d love to hear all about it!