Santorini, Atlantis & my promise to you

About a year ago, Archangel Michael mentioned in passing that I'd be visiting Santorini and that it had to do with Atlantis. At the time, the thought of doing anything with Atlantis triggered my emotions in a really nasty way. The trauma, survivors guilt and complete devastation of my emotions has been almost too much to bear. And it wasn't just me. Many people survived and they are having many of the same experiences that I have:

  1. A longing to return to the sea, or live near the water

  2. Inability to fully connect with unconditional love with others from the heart chakra

  3. Fascination with mermaids and sea creatures.

  4. Fascination with Gods and Goddesses

  5. Emotional - let's just say passionate - outbursts regarding injustice in government, society and any large organization allegedly designed to protect us.

Here's another blog post I wrote on Atlantis Symptoms.

When Michael brought Santorini to my attention again a few months ago, I have to admit, I was intrigued. I had done so much healing work this last year, that Atlantis no longer triggers me as it once did. In fact, I assist my clients with releasing their trauma from Atlantis. Michael is my main Angel and the one that I work with the most. Recently, when everything in my life fell apart within 14 days, I quickly realized what was happening and I asked him about it. His short response:

"This is YOUR Journey".

He simply validated what I had been feeling - that I would be taking this trip alone.

Since then, my consciousness has been flooded with visions of Atlantis, Santorini, where I need to go and who I need to talk to. Even dates, locations and amazing prices have lined up for me in the most beautiful way. Miracle after miracle after miracle has opened up for me on this trip. But see, that's not the uncanny thing...

Last week, I had the STRONGEST pull to go to the metaphysical bookstore near me. It's one of my favorite places, but I honestly had no desire to go last week. Cue Michael... One day the desire to go was SO strong, I got dressed and out the door in 5 minutes time. On a book shelf of maybe 500 different books, I walk over to the bottom shelf and pull out a book named, "Angel Medicine" by Doreen Virtue. I open to the first page and at the top it reads, "Journey to Atlantis" and the first sentence, "I never planned to go to Santorini..."

HA! I devoured the entire section in this book within 1 hour. Some resonated, some didn't. I'm reminded how so many people, even intuitives are not getting the full picture of what happened to Atlantis. Things that I see in clear detail are not being discussed. There are no stories, books or movies about what really happened to Atlantis.

I'm humbled and more often than not, brought to my knees in tears almost daily when I sit down to write my first book on Atlantis. I'm grateful that I get to bring you the truth about what really happened. I feel safe and protected talking about it. I feel content and accepting of what happened but I am committed to using the knowledge I have to ensure it doesn't happen again.

I'm absolutely positive that I will not return from Greece the same as when I left. And for this, I am especially grateful. Grateful for the healing, the love, the truth and the justice to finally be brought forth as I return to you with my second book on Atlantis in hand. 

Now more than ever, I am absolutely convinced that I am exactly where I need to be. The moment is now. And I am embracing it, for you, for us, for everyone that perished on that fateful day, for all of us that survived and lost those we loved the most. I will not let us down.

But I'm going to have a damn good time doing it!

You'll be with me every step of the way, i'll be blogging from Greece 2-3 times a week.

Yasou! xo

p.s. My Connecting with the Archangels course is now online! It gets sent to you immediately upon purchase. The results have been amazing. The Archangels are ready, willing and connecting with everyone!

We're talking about this and much more over in the Angelic Badass Mastermind on Facebook.