7 things I know to be true about Angels

7 things I know to be true about Angels

Back when I first heard Archangel Michael on January 1, 2014, I have to admit, I couldn’t believe my own ears. I was so bewildered at the thought of actually hearing the Angels. Like many, I grew up in a religious household and was often at church on Sunday. We never learned that we could actually communicate with Angels. 

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Why you only need to pray once

Why you only need to pray once

I've been hearing from a lot of people lately that the Universe (or God) doesn't answer their prayers. It always stops me in my tracks because i'm well aware that all prayers are answered. In fact, there is an entire divine team addressing prayer requests. And every prayer is answered. 

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An Archangel Blessing for this weeks Full Moon...

An Archangel Blessing for this weeks Full Moon...

This weeks energy is all about surrendering what is no longer serving your highest and best interests. Here are a few quick tips and an Archangel Blessing to help you do just that. 

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