Core Wounds: What they are and why it matters

Core Wounds: What they are and why it matters

A core wound may begin in a past lifetime or if may be a past event in this lifetime. Either way, the past is the past and when a core wound is present, it means that the core center of your being is operating from a place of wounding, rather than love.

Before your Soul incarnated, it was asked to choose your parents and your major life experiences. These choices were based on karma from your previous lifetimes and the lessons you need to learn in this lifetime. The reason you learn lessons is to move you closer to Enlightenment each lifetime.

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What are Soul Tribes?

Creator, also known as Universe, God, Source and various other names across many dogmas throughout the world, is a force of creative energy that is always in a state of expansion.

There was a point in time when Creator wanted consciousness to experience itself. In other words, Creator wanted to experience its own consciousness.

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Attracting clients that can't afford you? (here's why)

Remember when the lightbulb went off and you realized your ZONE OF GENIUS. You saw someone in need of help and you knew exactly what you needed to do, so you reached out and helped them without expecting anything in return. And they loved it, their eyes lit up and they were so grateful for your help. And thought to yourself, "Hey, I should teach others about this. I'm really good at this!"

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