Atlantis Past Life: Ascension Symptoms

The word Atlantis is quickly becoming one of the most frequently used words in my vocabulary, after related to the time I spent there. Yes, I was a resident of Atlantis and if you're reading this blog right now, I can almost guarantee that you were too.


Atlantis Past Life

 I was so triggered by the word Atlantis, that when it came time to clear trauma during my first past life regression, my energy spiked so high, skype shut down for 20 minutes and the practitioner and I couldn't get signed back online to complete the session.

During my first session, I re-experienced that fateful day when millions of people perished in the most catastrophic death scene I have ever laid eyes on (and one I hope to never see again). I watched my husband protect our 2 boys from an inevitable drowning, while they screamed for me. I did not die on Atlantis but to this day I am releasing survivor's guilt from what I experienced. And I'm helping others move past their trauma, which we have all brought forward to clear in this current lifetime. There's an incredibly powerful reason for that, which I'll get to in another blog post.

Atlantis was the brainchild of the Universe’s twelve major light tribes. Light tribes are soul tribes that work together to enrich the lives of others from the energy of love. There are also shadow tribes that work to enslave and divide us from one another.

Each of the light tribes used to fight shadow tribes separately, exhausting their individual efforts and not gaining much ground. One day, they decided to join forces and combine their efforts to combat the major shadow tribe. After many months of relentless war, the shadow tribe surrendered and they were able to form an agreement that required the shadow tribe to return to each planet they enslaved and give it back to the residents who originally lived there.

Since Earth is a learning planet, many souls incarnate here to resolve their karma and Earth typically has a lower overall vibration because of this. In fact, this is the most light energy we’ve ever had on this planet in Earth’s history, with the exception of Atlantis’ time in history.

Earth’s rapidly declining vibration was a point of concern for the soul tribes. When they sat down to discuss how to raise Earth’s vibration, they believed that anchoring a large amount of light into the Earth to help stabilize and ground the energy of unconditional love was the best option. Atlantis was born.

Atlantis translates to the “Island of Atlas” in Greek. It was aptly named after the soul tribe delegate chosen to oversee it, Atlas. While the Gods and Goddesses were not real Gods and Goddesses or real people, they were members of each soul tribe, impersonating a figure that the people would accept and trust. In this sense, they were very real to the people who interacted with them on Earth.

Atlantis was situated between the island of Crete and Egypt. The intention behind Atlantis was to create a high vibrational space on Earth that would ground the energy of unconditional love while raising the vibration of the Earth. They knew that they were counteracting a rapidly declining vibration and that the path wouldn’t be easy. Fear had taken hold of the people and it had severely impacted the root chakra, sending their energy spiraling into scarcity. To protect the integrity of Atlantis’ purpose and mission, it was shielded in a protective bubble. It was invisible and impossible to access unless someone was invited by an Atlantean, at which point they were given coordinates to visit by boat and escorted in through the shield.

Atlantis was self-sustaining in every way, not dependent on outside people, forces, or energy for supplies or support. The original citizens of Atlantis were members of each of the twelve soul tribes who volunteered to be among the first to establish and create a strong foundation for future generations. Each volunteer contributed something unique to Atlantis and they took this role seriously. One member of each soul tribe was designated a role in the high council and they each resided in Atlantis and were responsible for the day-to-day activities. Even though there was a high council overseeing Atlantis, they were not above or below the other citizens.

There was no monetary or financial system in Atlantis. All work was volunteer and trade. If someone wasn’t able to contribute, they were taken care of by the community without expectation. People could choose where they wanted to volunteer and they could change this whenever they wanted to. The only request was that they volunteered a minimum of ten hours per week in an area of their choice. If one area had too many volunteers, they would request volunteers to serve in another area and those volunteers were trained. In this sense, Atlantis worked like a well-oiled machine and no one ever fell victim to lack of competition because there was enough for everyone and money wasn’t required. They only took what they needed and there was very little waste.

Am I Atlantean?

When I mention Atlantis, I'm often met with the same resistance "Atlantis didn't exist." This couldn't be further from the truth.

If you had a lifetime in Atlantis, the need for freedom is very important to you. Atlanteans, the term for Atlantis’ citizens, either lived or died when Atlantis was destroyed. There are two archetypes associated with Atlantis. The first is the people who survived Atlantis’ destruction, the survivor archetype. The second is the people who died during the destruction, the victims.

Since most of Atlantis’ citizens perished in the destruction, their core wound is abandonment. Whether you survived or died, you have the fear of abandoning others or being abandoned. This is a deeply rooted fear of losing love in some way. You can dive a little deeper into the core wounds in the core wound blog.


As a survivor, you likely lost most if not all of your family and friends in the destruction. This makes you very independent in this lifetime, sometimes to a fault. Losing others in this way is very traumatic and is usually accompanied by survivor’s guilt. You may abandon others if you’re afraid of losing them or of being abandoned yourself. On the flip side, you could cling to unhealthy people and situations for far too long for the same reasons.


As a victim, you perished during the destruction. The victim is a challenging archetype that may leave you feeling like life is working against you and not for you. It’s possible to transcend this archetype but you’ll need to address any feelings of blame in this lifetime and take full responsibility for your experience. You’re also affected by the abandonment core wound, but it will cause you to self-sabotage and make choices that are less than what you deserve. This stems from a deeply rooted feeling that you are not enough.

Click to read more about the Atlantean survivor and Atlantean victim archetypes.

Archetypes aside, if you resonate with Atlantis, it’s likely you had a past life there or were involved with it in some way in your past lives.

When my brother and I were kids, we were sitting on the floor of our bedroom talking about Atlantis before we even knew what that term meant. We had never heard it anywhere, yet we reminisced about it. This is my earliest memory of Atlantis. If you didn’t have a support system that helped and encouraged you to talk about your past life memories, the memories got buried throughout the years, especially in adolescence.

Fortunately, it’s still accessible and the memories can resurface to shed more light on your past life in Atlantis. Keep in mind that Atlantis memories are usually suppressed for a reason. It was a traumatic time for everyone and it usually takes one or more past life regressions to see the life and understand what happened and most importantly, how it impacted you.

Atlantis Spirituality

The spirituality surrounding Atlantis has a deep resonance and familiarity with Atlantis itself. You might not be able to put your finger on it, but there are some definite symptoms of an Atlantis lifetime that may be coming up in your life.

Atlantis trauma is wide and deeply rooted (I see new symptoms every day so this list is definitely evolving). You have trauma from Atlantis if any of the following ring true for you:

You feel called to Greece (Santorini to be exact)
Atlantis was (and still is) located off the coast of Santorini.

You love everything about the water
You love the colors blue and white, love the sea or anything to do with it (mermaids, sea creatures, colors, salty sea, etc.), you're mostly at peace when you have your feet in the sand or in the ocean.

You love anything Atlantis related
You may not know why, but you are obsessed with the thought of Atlantis, have read countless books, done research, compared notes, and maybe even meditated on it. Somewhere along the lines, you realized that the complete story has yet to be told.

You are fascinated with scientific developments and new technology BUT you find it upsetting when nature is being manipulated
You're all for new technology to make life easier, but there's a sneaking suspicion about your rights being infringed, you being watched or your livelihood being tampered with.

You have issues with the government or any large institutions
You have a very low tolerance for injustice, dishonesty, and misuse of power in government and religious institutions. In fact, you may be a hard-core PRO or CON Democrat, Republican, Vaccines, GMOs - you name it! You're willing to fight tooth and nail for your side. 

You are suspicious of any laws/rules that restrict your freedoms in ANY way
Simply put, you want to be 100% free, and you hate puppet strings. You want it laid out in plain English with no fast-talking. Your bullshit meter is really sharp. You believe in truth & justice and will fight for your freedoms.

You feel that you are carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders. You need to SAVE the world!
Atlanteans were caught off guard on their final day and had no time to process what was happening, rendering them powerless to change it. This collective trauma was so great, it was imprinted into the soul at the deepest levels. Chronic neck, shoulder, and back pain are representative of carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders or wanting to save the world. Once this belief is released from your body, you will more clearly understand why you're here and what your path is.

You feel lost, betrayed, anxiety, depressed, fear, sadness, anger, frustration, helpless, hopeless, triggered, negative or you cry at any moment
When Atlantis trauma is running rampant in your life, you will not respect another's opinions because yours is more important (ie., Democrat vs Republican). You may want to argue your point with judgment. You "know" something is right or wrong and will drive that point home. You may not see the truth in a situation, responding blindly based on your own conditioning or beliefs. You feel profound feelings (as listed above) that seem to have no root cause in your present-day life but you've had them "as long as you can remember".

You have knowledge or passions that you have no formal training in
Those are your gifts waiting to rise up. For instance, one day someone asked me about Atlantis and I opened my mouth and told them the entire story of what happened. I didn't read or learn about it anywhere. Maybe you know about universal laws, numerology, or the moon cycles. Trace it back to your passions and you'll find the answers you seek.

Atlantis Past Life Quiz

There are twelve soul tribes, one of which is Atlantean. The original Atlanteans were members of the twelve soul tribes who established the continent we know as Atlantis. They all worked together to bring the vision of this utopia to Earth for the betterment of humanity.

Start by taking my soul tribe quiz to accurately identify your soul tribe.  

Atlantis past life quiz

The Atlantean soul tribe members are the children of the original soul tribe members who established Atlantis. Keep in mind that even if your soul tribe doesn’t come up as Atlantis, you may have been involved with Atlantis through your work in one of the other soul tribes. Answer the quiz questions as accurately as possible based on where you are in your life right now and your results will accurately pinpoint your soul tribe.

I thought it was important to share my experience with you for one very important reason - YOU ARE NOT ALONE! The Atlanteans that perished that fateful day is back, here on Earth, wanting to clear the trauma relating to that day for the betterment of the entire planet. Fortunately, there are a lot of people here to help now.

A future blog post will detail the steps you can take to start releasing some of this trauma and moving forward in your life. 

I'd love to hear about any of the symptoms that you're experiencing in the comments. 

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