How I stopped cock blocking the Universe + made $3k in one week

In December of 2013, my life could best be described as ordinary. I had loving family and friends, I was making a career change and thought I clearly knew where I was headed. January 1, 2014 would prove to be the day that shifted my entire paradigm. My intuition and ability to communicate with Angels (among others) opened up... quickly.

As I begin my 8th month of being an Intuitive, you would think that I would know better than to cock block the Universe. I'm the first person to recommend, "living in the flow".

In early July, I began a journey that would shift my entire life in 12 sessions. During meditation one day, I received guidance to work with the Akasha to learn to heal my own soul book and train others to do the same. In case you aren't familiar, the Akasha is the place where every thought, action, situation, belief (you name it) that has ever happened is recorded for all eternity. Up to this point, I had been very resistant to log into the Akasha for myself. I was far too tired after each client session to log in and pull my own soul book. Plus, let's face it -- who wants to see their own sh*t on blatant display like that? Not me. I was re-assured that the exhaustion would not be an issue once I began my healing. Despite resistance and since I never consciously go against divine guidance, I took the recommendations and logged in for myself. My 12 training sessions with the Akasha are complete and I must admit, it was the experience of a life time.

I could go on for months about everything that I learned while I was being trained, but instead, i'll focus on Abundance & Manifestation, which were huge sections of my training. The first part of my training and healing focused on healing my own triggers, limiting beliefs and trauma. I have to admit, I was one cranky lady while this was happening. Imagine that you're happily surfing a big 20 feet wave and that wave suddenly disappears out from under you. You slam into the water. You're still being carried by the water and kissed by the soft cool breeze, but your false sense of security is gone because well, it was never true to begin with. The good part is that I cleared the untruths, replaced them with my truth and moved forward with what the Akasha calls the "Manifestation Process". It's a process that if conducted in coordination with healing the soul book, brings instant manifestation. And I mean instant.

If you don't always hear divine guidance or don't receive information during meditation... keep reading.

The Akasha trained me on a very specific process to manifest anything that I desire. How can I be a spiritual badass without the tools that I need? Let's face it, money is just a tool and the more of it I have, the more I can help this Earth. Going into it as somewhat of a skeptic (I know right?), I didn't expect anything miraculous. So I decided to go big or go home, as a way of proving that my Ego was correct... this wasn't going to work.

On Friday, July 25, 2014 I wrote out my affirmations. The affirmations are the last step of the Manifestation Process. For accountability purposes, i'm going to publish the complete list of affirmations below. The affirmations in bold have already manifested.

  1. "I am so grateful that I have 8 ideal clients that are happily paying me my asking rate and refer me to future clients that are in alignment with my souls mission."
  2. "I am so happy to be in my loving relationship."
  3. "I am so grateful for my spiritual documentary receiving $1 mil in funding"
  4. "I am so happy and grateful to have my August rent paid in full by August 1, 2014"
    1. My rent is $1495 per month (see below)

  5. "I'm so happy that my parents websites launched and were handed off!"
  6. "I am so grateful to be funded by the NSF grant for my project!"
  7. "I am so happy and grateful that I have an additional $3000 per month beginning August 2014." (see below)
  8. "I'm so thrilled that I get to teach 25 people in CA and 25 people in NM how to heal their Akashic records. They all prepaid by the end of September!"

Notice that I gave the Universe a deadline and expressed gratefulness. For the next week, I read and really felt gratefulness for all of my affirmations and things that were manifesting. I also crossed out some affirmations that no longer felt in alignment with what I truly wanted.

On August 1, 2014 I manifested a part time job that pays me exactly $3000 per month, doing what I love -- Marketing!

1 of the 2 websites launched within 4 days of the original affirmation

On August 1, 2014 I manifested $2000 (on the exact deadline I set)

Just in case you needed a little proof

Just in case you needed a little proof

So here's how I was cock blocking the Universe and what I did to change it. 

I wasn't hearing divine guidance accurately because I was so hell bent on not working part time. I felt that it would distract me from my mission. Once I cleared and provided healing to my soul book, I was able to more clearly hear divine guidance and listen to my intuition without question. What I heard when I was more clear was that a temporary position doing something that I enjoy would lift my spirits and bring focus back to my passions, instead of focusing on what would make me money. Duh. I was also very clearly told exactly where to ask for the job, how many hours to work per week and per day, what rate to charge and which tasks to propose. I got the job within 12 hours of my initial request. The reason that all of this was so easy was because it was in alignment. Things are easy as pie when they are in alignment with the next steps in your life and business and send to you with divine timing. The key is listening and being open.

The Manifestation Process is a series of healing exercises, meditations, soul alignment activities and affirmations topped with some clarity and conscious effort. The Akasha has taught me an activation that brings the manifestation from the heart chakra into the heart and out of the body. That's what's causing this to manifest sooo quickly. I'll be teaching you how to manifest that quickly in my new course, which is beta launching in August 2014.

Want to learn this Manifestation Process + how to balance your own soul book? I'm teaching it in my new course, starting in September 2014! I'm only accepting 7 people for this course. Check it out here!

We can also work together on your soul book.

The Akasha has asked me to move forward with balancing your soul book during a series of healing calls, the first of which took place on August 9, 2014. I'm sending the information to everyone registered on my newsletter list below. This is a great opportunity to get a belief cleared for FREE.

Registration is below. I hope to "see" you there! :)