Like v. Love v. Separation v. Sacrifice

During this entire program, we’ll be exploring and aligning with the feminine cycle of Love and Loss, thereby bringing balance to both the masculine and the feminine energies within us. This program is currently open to women only.

In order to fully understand and align with our masculine and feminine energy, we must actually disconnect from our perceptions of both the feminine and masculine energies. When approached correctly, this cycle can morph into a journey of empowerment. But first, we must dismantle the old and worn out beliefs, energies, vows and contracts that have brought us to where we are now and open our eyes to a new world of possibilities.

We are bringing balance to the 7 deadly sins during this program.

With a focus on our heart center, we're going to explore all of the chakras combined with the 7 deadly sins to understand how they are affecting our lives now. We're going to call in and embrace Kundalini energy. 

By the end, the heart chakra will be grounded within and CLEARLY communicating with the Solar Plexus chakra (the seat of our power and empowerment).

What happens when the solar plexus and heart chakras are connected and clearly communicating?

We are operating from our intuition 100% and our mind takes a back seat.
We are uninhibited. We are powerful.

No more excuses. No more reasons why we can’t or we won’t. We are bringing light to the dark and exploring our deepest shadows...TOGETHER. Vows that we’ve made will be exposed and true alignment with our soul will be achieved.


Month 1: Like

This month, we'll learn to like ourselves. It's the basis for month two. Before Love, we have Like. Once we like ourselves, we can take steps and create a plan. It's easy to begin resonating with our decisions. We’re going to look deeply at belief systems, that revolve around self love. There will be assignments, self reflection and evaluation. This is the biggest month for mindset work. We will gain an understanding of why we do what we do. We’re going to look at repeating patterns within the extreme subconscious that are affecting our lives today. Month one is a deep dive into the subconscious.

We'll also be exploring the first of the 7 deadly sins: Pride, Greed and Lust.

Month 2: Love

Just when we thought we couldn’t go any deeper, we will this month. We’re going to review how / why we sabotage ourselves and continue investigating the true root cause of patterns that affect our lives now. Why are we making choices that we KNOW are not in our highest benefit? What prevents us from walking away LONG after we realize that we should have? We’re answering these questions and more during this month. We’re going to open the heart and invite in our power center energy (solar plexus). Those two need to be intimately connected, because when they are, we are able to make choices that are in our highest benefit without second guessing.

We'll be exploring Envy and Gluttony this month.

Month 3: Separation

At this point in the cycle, the Separation has occurred between the divine feminine and the physical body. We will view them as two different beings with two different opinions. The mind, exerting its thoughts of fear and lack will be exposed and we will be able to recognize its voice. It will all become clear. The divine feminine will be given permission (by us) to step forward and be the voice that we hear going forward. And so the process begins of re-integrating the two within one whole being and realizing that the mind can be utilized to help, rather than harm us. Fear of the Kundalini energy activation and integration has stopped this integration from occurring on its own. We will study and discuss the benefits of Kundalini energy within our body and our be-ing to understand how it is affecting us and how not embracing it is actually stopping us from living fully.

This month we're exploring Wrath.

Month 4: Sacrifice

What parts of yourself are you sacrificing to please someone else or another situation? Are you truly aligned with your truth? If you could make any decision without fear of consequence, how would you change things? These deep patterns cause consistent repetitious behaviors in our lives that prevent us from moving on. The divine feminine often feels that we must support others in their quests for wholeness while we sacrifice our own. This is a paradigm that has long since expired and the energy from it needs to be released in order for us to step into our rightful place and power.

This is NOT about “Fighting for what we want”. I’m so tired of hearing women say this. We don’t need to fight for what is rightfully ours by Divine Right. We simply step into our power and release what has prevented that from being our truth.

This month we're exploring Sloth.


You will always have me as your guide through the program, exploration of the 7 deadly sins and deep energy work within the levels of the Akashic Records. Your responsibility is to do the necessary and deeply required self reflective work and divine assignments with commitment to discovering yourself. Attendance of all 4 calls, live is required. I am happy to discuss the times/dates that will work for the group as a whole.

Confidentiality in this program is of utmost importance. We're exploring deep levels of our subconscious and shadow. These calls will be recorded for my records only, to align with the energy for the next re-launch. Recordings will not be shared with the group or outside of the group.

What's included?

(1) 90 minute call per month / Max 2 hours. Program is 4 months in length.
Assignments in between sessions.
Email support during regularly scheduled office hours (9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Monday - Friday)

The entire program fee is $1, 188.00, which is $297 per month (less than a single 1:1 session with me)
I'm happily offering a 4 month payment plan for $319.00 per month.

We start the week of March 28 and the schedule will be determined once everyone is registered. Space is extremely limited.

EMPOWER is currently closed for enrollment. Please register for the newsletter to be notified the next time enrollment is open.

Terms, Payment and Cancellation Policy: Enrollment in this program is a commitment to payment of the entire program. There are no refunds, no exceptions, regardless of which option is selected. Clients that choose to make payments will be invoiced according to the payment schedule that they sign up for (through PayPal or their bank). If a payment is missed and/or declined, your place in the program will be suspended until the account is reconciled. Felicia believes whole-heartedly in flexibility, communication and correcting issues if they arise. She would prefer hearing from you if there is a problem with the payment. If she does not, she reserves the right to take the necessary corrective action to bring the account current.


Free Webinar on the 7 deadly sins and how they affect
feminine empowerment

This video is about 7 deadly sins webinar


About Felicia

Felicia is a Master Healer, trained in a variety of complementary techniques including Kinesiology and Quantum Healing Hypnosis Therapy. Her specialty is soul level healing and transformation with the Akashic Records.

She's determined to live in a world where everyone is healthy, thriving, and dis-ease free! When not shifting energy in the akashic records for her amazing clients, you’ll find her whipping up a delicious vegan storm or indulging in a little shopping therapy. She’s currently writing her second book on Atlantis.