Felicia Giouzelis

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Atlantis Karma

At least eighty five percent of all people residing on Earth at this time had one or more past lives in Atlantis.

Me, you and anyone else who reads this blog post were most certainly a part of Atlantis’ history together. Likely, around the same time.

Atlanteans have a shared karmic history together which means that most of what we’re experiencing on Earth at this time, is actually a repeat of Atlantis. We’re repeating the cycle, together, in order to clear the karma.

To illustrate this, i’m going to share a bit about my Atlantean lifetime.

If you resonate, take it as a sign that you were either positively or negatively affected by my actions. If you don’t resonate, it’s probably a sign that you were not impacted or you were not in Atlantis at the time of this occurrence. Either way, I am deeply sorry if my actions contributed to your pain in any way.

In my Atlantean Lifetime, I led the security team designated with keeping all Atlanteans safe from outside forces, especially dark forces that wanted to do harm.

And there were many dark forces in the “Battle for Earth” as it was called at the time.

Someone in my ranks connected me with a “voice” that appeared to have intel that I wasn’t aware of and I was supposed to know it all. Rather than trusting my intuition, I trusted the person who recommended that I speak to this “voice” and this was the start of the end of Atlantis.

The voice, which sounded robotic and neither male nor female, told me that the end of Atlantis was impending as written in the Akashic Records. It went on to say that a new world was being created, one in which we would need something called “money” in order to live as comfortably as we did in Atlantis. I was offered a trade of a piece of Atlantis’ highest level security system, in exchange for this “money” to guarantee my security.

My choice cost me my own family, plus millions of other lives in Atlantis.

As with all dark forces, they never give you the full truth. Only enough to stir your emotions and get a reaction out of you, one that you so deeply care about that you would be willing to do, give or sacrifice anything.

Atlantean karma can best be summed up with this phrase, “The more I fight, the more I struggle.”

Have you ever noticed this that the more you try, the harder it is? The relationship, the job, building your business, healing. You name it ___________. It’s like the more effort you put in, the more you typically lose, am I right?

This is the Atlantean karmic cycle and it centers on loss because, we experienced a great loss. Many of us lost our families, homes, livelihoods and LIVES. This translates to safety, security and scarcity issues. It’s the root chakra, the home of your material wealth, feelings of safety and physical security.

It makes you FIGHT. Fight for what’s yours, fight for what’s right and fight for what you love.

The shadow side of this energy is the DIVISION. When you’re in a state of fighting, you cannot possibly be at one with yourself, with others and with the Universe. It’s the fight that keeps you at arm’s length from what you desire.

And yet, this karma persists.

“The more I fight, the more I struggle” is called a life path theme, which is the foundation upon which your current lifetime is built. The more you try to heal a life path theme and get out of the cycle, the deeper you dig yourself INTO the karma. This is because a life path theme is not meant for you to heal, it is there for you to learn how to embrace it and work with it. It heals itself when you make the right choices.

For example, with “the more I fight, the more I struggle” the lesson is to stop fighting and embrace flow. This is something that Atlanteans find deeply unsettling. As planners, organizers and go-getters, Atlanteans like a good structure as the foundation of their endeavors. Going with the flow certainly doesn’t fit into the five year plan. However, the very nature of this life path theme demands that you embrace a life without struggle, so what does that look like for you?

  1. Are you able to let go and fully embrace change whether it is in or out of your control?

  2. Can you allow yourself to be at peace even in the midst of chaos?

  3. Can you trust that you may not have all the answers and you need to make a decision anyway?

  4. Will you choose to let go, knowing that the right person or opportunity will return to you?

Up above, i’ve bolded and italicized certain phrases which i’ll highlight below to show you how my own karma from Atlantis is playing out right now and how i’m balancing it.

My role in Atlantis: Responsible for the safety and security of all Atlanteans.

How I misused my power: I made a very selfish choice to exchange part of Atlantis’ security in favor of monetary security in the new world. This choice cost millions of people their lives, including my two children, my husband and extended members of my family, countless friends etc. I chose greed and a false sense of security.

The phrases:

Rather than trusting my intuition, I trusted the person who recommended that I speak to this “voice”

The never-ending voice of self doubt in my head has always felt like something that I was born with. I’ve never been able to pinpoint when I began doubting myself in this lifetime, despite being an expert in the Akashic Records. When I became clear about this being rooted in the Atlantis lifetime and was able to come to terms with my past, the voice subsided a bit but what changed was my willingness to more readily listen to AND act up on my intuition. Typically, I would delay for long periods of time, asking for more information or clarification rather than trusting it the first time.

“money” to guarantee my security.

In this lifetime, I have always struggled to make above a specific revenue threshold. It’s as if I blindly hold myself back. Upon reflecting on the Atlantis lifetime, I could see where I was resistant to believing that I DESERVED more money. After all, I selfishly took money that I believe cost millions of people their lives. Why should I deserve money now?

See how this works? It’s called Imposter Syndrome. “Impostor syndrome (also known as impostor phenomenon, impostorism, fraud syndrome or the impostor experience) is a psychological pattern in which an individual doubts their skills, talents or accomplishments and has a persistent internalized fear of being exposed as a "fraud" - Wikipedia

As with all dark forces, they never give you the full truth. Only enough to stir your emotions and get a reaction out of you, one that you so deeply care about that you would be willing to do, give or sacrifice anything.

Atlanteans need to learn as a collective, how to balance their emotions. As we learn how to exercise more control over our reactions and temper our energy into a more grounded, confident and secure state of being — which is internal work, not external, we are able to approach our life purpose and mission with calm clarity and control.

This is the first in many teachings i’ll be sharing to help you step out of the Atlantean karmic cycle and reclaim your power, so stay tuned.

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